How do you build a better nature preserve boardwalk?

The answer is Simple; Start with Better Decking.
Connecting people to nature and preserving nature is the mission of the Beanblossom Bottoms Nature preserve of the Sycamore Land Trust. Connecting people to nature is done through creating access; Smart, sustainable access. Preserving nature while still providing access is intrinsically challenging but can be facilitated using products like SunWalk™ 90-Series to help minimize the environmental footprint of your access. SunWalk™ 90-Series is not only tough and durable but features an exclusive non-slip surface that is exceptionally effective, even when wet. (P.S. – Wetlands are inherently wet 😉 )
Creating access while minimizing environmental impacts.
One of the other unique features of SunWalk™ 90-Series decking is its ability to allow sunlight and water to penetrate the boardwalk surface. This product feature helps the boardwalk to be more environmentally transparent. Traditional boardwalk materials, like timber, composite or vinyl planks can never be spaced sufficiently to allow enough environmental penetration to keep submerged aquatic vegetation or grasses alive and still be a safe boardwalk. These traditional boardwalks end up filling the mission of creating access but also cut a swath of greatly reduced or eliminated eco-system underneath. There is a better option and one that the Sycamore Land Trust embraced. With SunWalk™, the vegetation and eco-systems through which the boardwalk traverses are facilitated to stay alive and thrive with the sunlight and water coming through the decking.
Connect people to nature and preserve nature. I gotta say, we couldn’t agree more. From the Beanblossom page of the Sycomore Land Trust:
The exceptional habitat at this well-loved wetland preserve provides a home for the endangered Indiana bat, Kirtland’s snake, rare orchids, and other threatened species. A raised boardwalk trail and four observation decks enhance exploration of this diverse environment.
The majority of the property has been dedicated as an Indiana State Nature Preserve by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and it has also been designated a state Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society and a Wetland of Distinction by the Society of Wetland Scientists. Sycamore’s property adjoins the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Restle Unit of the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge and a privately-owned wetland protected by a permanent Wetland Reserve Program easement. Almost 800 acres of contiguous land are protected altogether, about 600 of which are owned by Sycamore Land Trust.
SunWalk™ is a Product of Main Access based in Avon Ohio.
To learn more about the full line of SunWalk™ decking products:
Phone: 844.478.6925
The Sycamore Land Trust is headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana.
To Find out more about the Sycamore Land Trust:
Phone: 812.336.5382